Welcome to CryptoSafety
What is CryptoSafety?
CryptoSafety aims to make the Crypto Space more safe
and start the fight against Crypto Fraud and Scam.
How are we going to achieve this?
To start, anyone can report a Crypto Scam URL to report-scam@cryptosafety.tech.
You the people are the ultimate decentralised Security Mechanism out there!
The URL is then reviewed and examined, before reporting the same to their relevant web hosting company.
To date we have already successfully removed 10 verified Scam URL’s.
Yet there are still 100’s if not 1000’s out there, targeting innocent Crypto Investors.
What’s next you ask?
Currently I am alone in this fight against Crypto Fraud and Scam, and I am looking for volunteers to join me.
– Bot Developers for Telegram and Discord
– Web Developers to help with the graphic design and page management
– Crypto Contract Developers
– NFT Developers
– Enthusiasts that want to help reporting Scam URL’s
Volunteers can get in touch by email to help@cryptosafety.tech.
The aim is to monetize this project through Crypto Currency.
Thus to be able to pay people that joined this fight voluntarily at the start.
Also to pay for any associated cost for this project.
The intended Crypto Currency will additionally beneficiary to their investors.
The goal here is to redistribute 2% to every holder on every trade.
1% Automatic Burn
2% to the Marketing Wallet
Further details will be updated in a later stage.
The ask to holders will be to KYC themselves with their email address, thus enabling CryptoSafety to inform the holders about any new identified Crypto Scam URL and Wallet.
Furthermore it is intended to release a second Token, capable of minting NFT’s.
The NFT’s will symbolize CryptoSafety entirely and aims for the owner to be proud to own the same and show they’re actively helping to make the Crypto Space a safer place.
It is my ultimate goal to be able to cooperate with CEX’s, DEX’s and Wallet Developers and report any identified Crypto Scam Wallet and get those blacklisted, in order to prevent that a scammer has no further chance to transfer any funds in or out.
To fund this project, donations are gratefully accepted to the BEP-20 Wallet:
CryptoSafety Services
Please learn about our current services.
We research submitted scam URL’s.
We report the verified scam URL to the web hosting company.
We aim to publish all of the successful story’s.
Work in Progress
Revealed at a later stage.
Why CryyptoSafety
We Listen
We listen carefully to your story.
We Care
We do care for a safe crypto space.
We Report
We report verified Crypto Scam URL’s.
You Earn
You earn by supporting us and holding our Tokens.
About Our Company
I personally was victim of a scam through an already known fraudulent Wall App hosted on Google Play Store. Despite me working in IT Security and being very careful all the time in what to click or download and where to connect.
The app perfectly disguised itself as 100% legitimate. For which reason I saw no objection to connect my wallet with my passphrase.
Very little later I noticed that a huge portion of my funds suddenly didn’t show anymore. I reacted quickly, after the initial shock, and moved other tokens to another wallet of mine.
Unfortunately I could only move a small portion, due to the scammer noticing me moving funds and they removed my remaining BNB.
Crypto’s safety was on my mind for quite some time already anyway, and this experience inspired me to start this project; for the greater good of all of Crypto.
Client Testimonials
“Joerg from CryptoSafety helped us (Rematic Tokens) to remove a fake and fraud website that was mirrored from our original website, without even asking for help.”
Alves (Moderator for Rematic)
“Your Testimonial will be here soon.”
Client name
“Your Testimonial will be here soon.”
Client name
Phase 1
- Creating Telegram Group ↵
- Creating Twitter Account ↵
- Creating Website
- Design Graphics and Logo’s
- Redesign Website
- Marketing on Twitter and Telegram
Phase 2
- Increase assisting Volunteers
- Customised Smart Contract Development (BNB & Polygon)
- Silent Token Launch (Volunteers and Partners only)
- Launch on PancakeSwap and SushiSwap (CryptoSafety Token CST)
- Increased Twitter and Telegram Marketing
- Community Competitions
Phase 3
- Official Company Registration
- Audited and DOXXED
- KYC for Token Holders
- Staking Dashboard
- Listing on CMC and CG
- Increase Project Partnerships
- CEX Listing
- Prepare for new Token and NFT Launch
Phase 4
- Revamp Website
- Revamp Staking Dashboard
- New Token Release
- NFT Release
- NFT Minting from new Token
- Staking Reward change to new Token
Phase 5
- Database creation for verified Scam Wallet Addresses
- Bot Development for Telegram and Discord
- Partnership with DEX’s
- Partnership with CEX’s
- Partnership with Wallet Developers
- Exploring further Partnerships